
Winols 1.5 with pdf tutorials, damos

WinOLS is an application, which is written especially to modify the memory contents of Engine Control Units (ECUs).
It makes it easier to search and find maps, which can be named, displayed in several ways and be modified. All data and maps are stored in project files. These project files contain all information, which are gathered during the modification of the ECU. Additional data can be added too.

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  1. gazdagattila says

    Can u help me? After doing all the steps for intallation i try to run “loader OLS” and it appears an error ” There was an error in loader ๐Ÿ™ ” . i have windows 7 has anyone got this error? can u help me?

    Thank you

    • gazdagattila says

      I forgot to mention that the link with the upgrade patch for windows 7 that u wrote beloew isnt working. can u help? thank you

  2. Im confused here, I’ve tried all the things here and still all i get is that i have the wrong user and pass.
    If anyone knows exactly what to do and can explain clearly id be so grateful.
    Ive got XP and it is running all manner of other things perfectly. Im certain that all that is wrong is the user/pass
    Please can someone help.


  3. old, but good ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Krister says

    Is there a way to get this working on Windows7 ??

    Can you please re-upload the patch?

  5. hi.I have a problem with the keyโ€ฆ
    it says :โ€The name/key you entered does not appear to be valid. Please try again.โ€
    i try many times

  6. hi
    i couldn’t find the patch for windows 7
    can any body help me out


  7. brutal says

    Hi, thanks for the download, can you please reupload the crack for windows 7 ?

  8. hy there
    i instaled it and i tried averything and stil doesn`t work it doesn`t accept the name and key and the link you have uploaded can`t be found error 404.
    Can you post the name and key without linkยดs and uploads and downloads? just the name and key?

  9. eisenhower says

    i want to use it on Windows 7 32 bit . admin please fix the crack link in this comment or reupload because i tried 10x downloading its says 404 error . thanks .

  10. It sorted now. Run loader from dir folder. OS XP, 7, no issues. Great service. Thanks

  11. BarryM says

    Have clean Windows XP service pack 3 x32.
    Completed installation with issue. Copy all the content in WinOLS install dir and than run loader_winols.1.500. Name and key accepted. But afterwards display error message; Cannot find import;DLL may be missing, corrupt, or wring version File ”CrashRpt.dll, error 126.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance

  12. I can’t get this to work. I have tried both on windows 8 with the windows 7 patch and windows xp.
    Here is what I did:

    1. Installed WinOLS 1.500 (“setup winlos 1.500.exe”)
    2. Opened Crack folder, copied and repleaced OLS_LangE.dll to the instal dir. C:\Program Files\WinOLS 1.500
    3. run “winols 1.500.exe”
    4. when prompted for name and key pasted name: “BARBAROS BAYRAG” key: “01DUVE-EGZVT7-UPXEX2-030V1H-THYW3W-KNB613-VD6962-JAW1EN-PC18E5-CVEGX0”

    Result: The name/key you entered does not appear to be valid. Please try again.

    Windows 8:

    1. Installed WinOLS 1.500 (“setup winlos 1.500.exe”)
    2. Downloaded the windows 7 patch/crack
    3. copied all files from crackOLS (except the txt files) ant pasted them into C:\Program Files (x86)\WinOLS 1.500
    4. run “ols.dat”
    5. try to find “loader_winols.1.500” in install directory. CAN’T FIND
    6. run “winols 1.500.exe”
    7. when prompted for name and key pasted name: “bosnia” key: “01CVB6-BC2061-84G232-6MDT38-MKEQNZ-DPN8YG-NP05C3-QA7RYM-WTQ0CJ-R61ZQF”

    Result: The name/key you entered does not appear to be valid. Please try again.

    also tried to do step 2 for XP on Windows 8 installation with same result.


  13. Man ,you are awesome!!!!!!

  14. I get virus when I downloaded winols avg antivirus give me a warning that there is trojan horse…
    anyone else get this warning?

    Please give me some help with that..

    Many thx..

  15. Hey,

    I still cant get it working with windows 7 patch
    Could you tell me how to install exactly?
    I have installed winols but i havent copied anything so it is just not functioning
    What folder or files do i exactly copy and to where?
    and which key?

    Thank you

  16. how many and which damos inside app?

  17. Generalemail says

    Does this include the Damos menu plug in to import the damos files

  18. Nicole says

    It works ๐Ÿ™‚ is there any manual available?

  19. First of all thanks for this files/programs and also WORKING patch/crack for win7.

    All you guys who can’t run it… first copy all the content in WinOLS install dir and than run loader_winols.1.500 … That should do the job.

    For next time – create shortcut to this loader on your desktop and you will be able to run winols faster.
    It only works if you run it with this loader.

    This website is really amazing and offers so much valuable information – for free!

    Keep the good work!


    • Lahiru says


      I still cant get it working with windows 7 patch
      Could you tell me how to install exactly?
      I have installed winols but i havent copied anything so it is just not functioning
      What folder or files do i exactly copy and to where?
      and which key?

      Thank you

  20. That new crack is not working for me either.

  21. Hi,
    I cant seem to get winols working
    I have downloaded the win7 patch too but cant get it to work
    it says the name key doesnt work.
    Could you please tell me step by step how to install and patch?
    Thank you

  22. zambukil says

    ESTI ROMAN ? baiatul care posteaza aceste programe !!!

  23. gazsnova says

    unable to download from rapidgator- it’s extemely slow or on refresh it doesn’t load up the page any other methods of obtaining this programme from the admin?


  24. qwertynerd says


    somehow I can’t change the font size of the text, do you know what to do? Right now I just can’t read any data ๐Ÿ™

  25. bxl_boysaki says

    ok i’ll try

  26. murtyman says

    When i was done downloading this file my virus program poped up saying a trojan has been erased and it was the winols 1.5 file..
    Any suggestions to what i can do?!

  27. bxl_boysaki says

    I have a problem with the key…
    it says :”The name/key you entered does not appear to be valid. Please try again.”
    and when i try the reg folder, it doesnt work too (loader OLS.exe and loader reg.exe)
    it says: “Error while unpacking program, code LP5. Please report to author.”(reg.exe)

    on windows vista

    please help me.

  28. bxl_boysaki says

    Ok sorry,
    it worked for me, now just have to install it.

  29. bxl_boysaki says

    it’s impossible for me to download the file on rapidator with free user.
    What do i havev to do?
    Can you reupload it in multiple parts?
    thank you very much

  30. Hi There,

    Is it possible to get a patch for windows 7


  31. Ok, thx, indeed im running on windows 7 and it would be great if you can upload me the patch. both of my computers at home are running on W7 so i could not test the soft.

    thx a lot ๐Ÿ˜€

  32. hi, i dl it succeful and install it on my comp, but when i want to put the name and the serial, i got message error saying; the name/key you entered does not appear to be valid. please try again.

    does anyone know how to fix it? thx

    • Hi, check REG folder there is crack for it. Also, it is not working on Windows7. If anyone needs patch for Win7, please ask, I can upload.

      • Nelson says

        first of all congrates on your site & for helping us get what we need and not always paying for them. It`s people like you that we need to govern the world, because if that would happen, the world would be a safer place and not democratic.

        Now what i would like from you is if you can send me a link to download the patch for w7 64bits.

        Best Regards

  33. Only downloaded part 2.. Can’t download another part anymore. Could you upload on wetransfer.com and e-mail me the link? Than you could do it in 2-3 parts. Thanks!

  34. What speed you get? Check your internet connection, for me rapidgator is fine.

  35. Could you contact me? Rapidgator is very slow and only 1 download at a time. Maybe I can help you with uploading. Thanks

  36. greend says

    I was looking for it for a long time!

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