
ECU tuning files download

Most of files are tested tuning files. These files are working. To use these files on your car you will need ECU flashing tool. This unit will allow you to chip tune your vehicle via OBD-II port. Look into “Hardware” menu to find suitable flasher for you. There are almost ~20 thousands tuned files, you should find one, which will fit your car. Please note, that this big package of tuning files is mostly for older vehicles and isn’t collected personally by me. This package is created and contains files from many different tuners. So files in this package are listed in many different folders and it could be hard to find a specified file for beginners. Use these files at your own risk.

You may download tuning files here (one-file package):
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  1. tomek1603 says

    Hi, people are looking for tuning file :
    Audi A4 2,5TDI 163HP Multitronic


  2. AlanSmith says

    using Kess v2
    have bin file for 2012 mazda 3 petrol 2.0 looking for tuned file to test

    also have 2000 E55 AMG looking for a tuned file
    working on 2008 XKR Jaguar looking for a tuned file but currently ECU is not letting me write any more ( would like help with resolving this error)

  3. nerminZe says

    Hi evryone
    I need good map for Fiat Stilo 1,9JTd 80hp
    I use Map from this tuned files in atachment and use 15%+ stilo have more power but consumption is more than on 80Hp.
    Pls send me some Good map on mail Nerminn50@gmail.com

  4. Maximus-Performance says

    If you guys cant find the correct tuning file send me an email with original file and i’ll see what i can do for you.


    • albuiacob says

      Hy Maximus im searching for a map for my bora 1.9tdi atd 101hp , how much can you rise my map, i will send you an email whit the map, thank you , if io what help in dpf or egr or lamda remove map i can help you.

    • kunlaci17 says

      Dear Maximus-Performance!
      There is a Fiat stilo 2005 1.9JTDM 120Hp. Lower level is weak.
      Can you help me ? I need a file with Mpps cable.
      I’m sending the read original file.

  5. Loader Pro says

    Hi! i need tuning file for audi a6, 2.4L 0261207017 1037354168. Can I find there? contact me to snstas@mail.ru Thanks

  6. andrecampos says

    Anyone have a tuned file for skoda fabia 1.4 tdi 6y (year 2005) 75bhp ?
    Please send to andre.campos.joao@hotmail.com

  7. Ravenhard says


    do you have any files for a BMW Z4 E85 3.0i M54B30 – maybe for a supercharged one? 😉

    Thank you!

  8. euronutz says

    I’m looking for a tune file for my 2002 Audi a4 3.0 30v avk v6. Can I find this in your database of files?


    • r1chzy says

      I spent a few day to download the all rar file. And it have a lot of audi a4 file.
      Last week I bought a pack from ebay but that is not have any truck file BUT 😀 this pack have some truck file.

      I have not tried it yet but I will try it and after I will write my feedback to this forum.

  9. dubmecrazy says

    Hi Im looking to find out how to do a anti lag map for a 2008 vw mk5 gti can anyone help

  10. adomuta says

    hi, im new to this site and a gold member ,please excuse my english, i have a audi a4 b6 ,1.8t avj with 150 hp and i need some tuned files ,200hp if posible because i have oane that is from the internet it is souposed to be 180hp but it dosent feel like it. i use galletto v54

    • adomuta says

      My email is dom_alexandru@yahoo.coom and my ecu is E0906018b. 1.8l R4/5, 0261206868, flash 29F800Bt . And the car is audi a4 1.8t qattro avj enginecode from 2001 In the ecu files i cant find oane that is good for me

    • Hello,

      200 hp is too much for this engine, not safe. I can make it at least 190+ HP. If you can’t find a good/suitable file for your vehicle, you might use my File service.

      • adomuta says

        I do not know exactly witch one is good please help and send it to my email.i have one that i found on the internet it is 180hp but i dont think it is can you compare the map tomy original to konfirm it .thanks

  11. arnold8 says

    Good archive for beginners to practise on older vehicles

  12. Edward James says


    Just downloaded all the files but I cant open them? the computer I have downloaded them to is running windows XP as This has all my Diag software on plus kwp 2000 which I was going to try to use to flash the ecu.

    Any help would be great!

    Thanks, James

    • Hello,

      you can’t open files or the archive? For archive opening you should use Daemon tools program, which will allow to access or extract all files.
      For opening and editing tuning files you should use some tuning software (tuner pro, winols, ecm).

  13. davidkov9 says

    Hi All!
    Can you send me you tuned send a file? I need max 300 hp 550NM. 2006 Audi A6 3.0tdi quattro ASB 233hp, manual transmission, no DPF.
    Control Module Part Number: 4F0 910 409 A HW: 4F0 907 401 C
    Email: davidkov9@gmail.com


    Best regards,

  14. jdeacon says

    Hey ya’ll…….I live in Tennessee in the United States. I am very new to ECU tuning and trying to learn. It has always interested me. This site seemed to be a good place to get some info that wasn’t going to cost me both arms and legs. Like everywhere else on the web it is hard to determine where to go for info. I bought the Kess V2 so hopefully I can get some things started.
    If anyone has some good beginner info they want to share I’d be more than happy to check it out.


  15. sternenkind64 says

    Hi i need a program for a 1998 Chevy Blazer LS 4×4 and a 2007 Ford Escape XLT Please. email silviawills@gmail.com

  16. Mishu091 says

    Hi, first post here,
    I downloaded maps,and have to say it is very confusing how are they described or maybe I can’t read them corectly yet. Any chance for 2005 audi a6 4.2 v8? Do not expect lot of gains but at least better throttle response. Also will I be able to load it thru abrites software?

    • Hello,

      this archive is not tuned by me, I just collected the files. It is mostly for older vehicles (up to ~2002 year). I confirm that it is confusing for beginners, but for learning purposes it is still good. I started practise on old vehicles many years ago 🙂

      Another archive of files which are tested by me is for newer vehicles and is very comfortable to search in it. For that archive you can contact me if you have some questions.

  17. That files are to old old old old story

  18. jmarktho says

    I want a file to the ECU remap Ford Ranger 2.2 engine unlocks everything.
    Send files to disturb me jmarktho@ford.com

  19. Blueeight says


    My name is Laszlo from Hungary.
    I am new on your website. Today I downloaded the tuning files you shared, but I am confused.
    I work for a programming center, so I can reprogram/read out my EPROM chips easily.
    In the tuning files downloaded fromhere I can find many binary codes to my car, but I do not know anything about these files. Which one will increase the horsepower, or which one will help me to save few liter of diesel.
    Also, I do not understand how the two EPROM works. In my car there are two EPROM chips. In some folder I can find only one 64k binary file. In which EPROM IC should I load it? Is it enough to modify one EPROM ?

    Could you please help me to choose a file (or two because my ECU has two EPROMs) to tune my car optimally?
    I think 20% percent more HP and torque should be enough. Consumption should be less. It is 6liter/100km today.
    It would be good to increase the idle speed as well, because the ~760rpm is too low. The car and the plastic parts are shaking when the engine is in idle. I prefer 1000rpm

    Please help me to find the correct binary file!

    My car is:
    Audi 80 Avant 1.9TDI 1Z 1994/12
    ECU: 028 906 021D (my original EPROM codes are matches with the ones in the folder TUNING FILES\FILES\AUDI\80 Tdi
    EPROM chips: STMicro – M27C512-12f3

    Also, do you know if I could activate the cruise control in my ECU. is this setting stored in the two EPROM chip?

    Thank you very much


  20. Don Paine says

    Will any of these files work for a 2004 VW Jetta 1.8t awp manual tran? If so, which one or ones? Would greatly appreciate the help… Thank you.

  21. Yiu Chung Yip says

    Hi there,

    I am using MPPS as my flasher and I downloaded the all-in-1file. I need to flash a Audi A3 1.4 TFSI. Is the appropriare file in that big file? And please kindly advice which one is.

  22. aalleexx--8833 says

    I need the tuning file for mazda 6, 2006, 2.0DE, 105kw/143hp, RF7J and for peugeot 207, 2006, 1.6hdi, 80kw/109hp, 9hz….

    can somebody/anyone help me?

  23. Useful site. 🙂

  24. Robert Pohl says

    found file with good performance:)

  25. internetcowboy says

    Hello all new here. Need some help for a change. I have downloaded the remap files provided by the site admin. But i must have tried uploading 20 different map to my car which is a ALFA 156 JTD 16V M-jet 140 BHP using usb to OBE2 flash and every file i upload the to the ECU then car won’t start. Luckily i did download the original BIN file from the ECU once i re-upload the original file it will start right away. The download files are all over the place. The files have to be BIN files around 1MB in size. Or the software will say wrong file size or file scrambled.

    The software i am using is mpps v13. It will only

    I really would like to remap the car a max it out. Can anybody please Help!



    • Seems that files was from different engine/model and you did not got success. I am sad about this, but you did the right thing that you saved your original file first. In this case, when you written it back to vehicle, all things should remain same.

      • internetcowboy says

        Can you suggest which is the correct tuned file i need? for the above car. I will not take offence if it’s incorrect i am just about to give up.

        This would be very helpful also i think people are reselling the files you have provided on ebay as i have bought them and they seem to look very very similar.

        I must now have about 40 thousand files in total and i am yet to get any to work that i am so disappointed over.

        Can anybody please HELP!



  26. wiganlad42 says

    Easiest way open the files is run

  27. wiganlad42 says

    Tried to open with deamon tools with no joy, does anyonehave the renault laguna 2 1.9dci 120 remap file to 150bhp

  28. Paul LT says

    Hey i just downloaded the files but it is in format that i cant open .. help ?

  29. xonieste says

    Hello i tried to remap my audi a4 1.9 tdi pd 130ps with some files , but now engine its running slow and consuming much fuel , can anybody send me the correct files to remap once again , Thank in advance my email is egzonnt@gmail.com

    • Hello, sad to hear that you found a bad file in this archive. As these files are not made by me, I just collected them over the years, but there are people who found suitable & good files, so this archive is still able to download here. Upload original file back to your vehicle, to not torture your engine…

  30. Domantas says


    Could you please recheck FilePost atributes. Now it shows like:

    This file is set as private so it is available only for the person who has uploaded it.

  31. Maniekq says

    Hi all!
    Somebody can reupload one packfile to another hosting server?

  32. do i need to download all files 17 files, and do you know if theres is a map for an alfa romeo 156 jtd (115bhp)

  33. Safwan says

    Hi Do you have a duster 2.0 file ?

  34. I need map for BMW 325i e36 1991. Somebody f… up trying to do something with it, and now the car is not working properly. Consumption is high and performance is miserable. Please help!

  35. Hi,i’m looking for a map suitable for my 2001 vw passat 101 Bhp ,engine code is AVB,do you have a map suitable for my car or would there be a map included in the files i downloaded ?..Thanks in advance.

  36. russell says

    hi, do you have a remap file for a 2007 ford focus 1.6 16v petrol 100bhp model

    thanks in advance

  37. hello ive got a 2001 Skoda fabia 1.9TDI PD 100 not VRS
    i was wondering if you currently have a map file for the PD 100 Lump thank you any help will be much appreciated i am very interested in trying a map on my car to see the differences etc

  38. Suzuki swift 1.5 man;) says

    Hi are some files for a suzuki swift 1.5 petrol 2008 ecu?;)

  39. Now I have tried to download the first two files, but I can not open them? does anyone have a ECU file to a Citroen C5 HDI 2.0 with 136 hp from 2006

  40. Ferhat says

    Hello, wich folder is for bmw 320ci? The one with 2.2l engine 170hp stock. I hope you the file for my car!

    Thank you!

  41. hello
    can not find
    ecu files for A6 4f 2,7tdi sw4F0907401C_hw4F5910401S_1037391860
    please help


  42. Can any of you good guys here send me files for bmw e34,m50 engine,525i,year1995,i would be more than gratefull.. rocksteady727@gmail.com

  43. Are there audi a6 v6tdi 2.5 tuning file

  44. heizbert says

    Hello, thanks for this site, can you please send me a good file for 2007 TT 2,0 TFSI MKB: BWA hand shift and a 99 seat ibiza tdi with afn…thanks a lot

  45. Hi and thanks for the effort.

    The download links are dead, but i need those files 🙂
    Does anyone have a link that works?

    My mail is muskel(at)gmail(dot)com


  46. Dear Admin,

    Thanks for the share. Just a comment the file 13 seems to have a bad checksum?


  47. Hi i bayt one dvd with file tuning bot in dvd have a lot of file for ww golf4 and i dont lnow which work can anyone help me for this car ww golf4 1.9 tdi (81kw) 110 ps 2001 years can anyone have files to increase ps

  48. Hi Admin, I need map ecu Lancia Delta III JTDm 2008 2.0 JTDm, 121 kW, 165 HP Bosch EDC26C39 HW 51858099. Can I find there? Thanks

  49. if anyone want pro tuning files contact me to ludbe88@gmail.com

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